(War Games)
Monographic exhibition, 18-22/12/2023, Marseille
PhD Defence: 18 December 2023, 14:00 pm
AMU de Saint-Charles, 3 place Victor Hugo à Marseille, Bâtiment Turbulence, Aix- Marseille Université
Short Description:
Ioanna Neophytou’s PhD thesis in plastic arts, conducted at Aix-Marseille University (Laboratoire d’Études en Sciences des Arts – LESA), was accompanied by an exhibition of the major works of the artist. Her research titled “The war of images and the images of war: Documentary and contemporary art in the necropolitics era” questions the politics of visibility of contemporary warfare since the 1990s in the fields of documentary and contemporary art.In relation to her research, the exhibition Jeux de Guerre, brings together the most important works of the artist since her first exhibition at Archives Nationales (France, 2015), up to the most recent documentary creations. The installations and video documentaries presented suggest gestures, positions, and ideas around the topics of war and violence, revealing simultaneously a resilient potential.
Works presented in the exhibition Jeux de Guerre:
Les œuvres de mort/prises au hasard/se passent de commentaires
In collaboration with Amélie Durand.
Archives Nationales, Site de Pierrefite-sur-Seine, 1er octobre – 3 novembre 2015 - Identity Exhaustion (or there is no place left for white and yellow)
Installation, (dimensions variables), 2020 - Painting… (Ζωγραφίζοντας…)
In collaboration with Dimitris Stamatis
Documentary, 26 min, 2017 - The Fairs (Κάποτε ήμασταν αντάμα)
Documentary, split screen projection, 18min, 2018 - Les spectatrices invisibles (Χέρια στην χλωρίνη, Hands in Bleach)
Documentary, split screen projection, 27 min, 2019 - Constructing Utopia (Κατασκευάζοντας την Ουτοπία)
Installation of the creations produced during the educational program Constructing Utopia, within the 2023 ELEUSIS-European Capital of Culture, 2023 - Classification
Installation, 2011