Message from London

Performance - Lecture
Created and Performed by Ioanna Neophytou & Spyros Charalampopoulos



Short Description

London; I will not come.
I never left my country.
I will persist to my habits.
Like the Thames that comes always to the sea,
or Big Ben that repeats constantly the same rounds.

Tetiana, June 2016, Odessa Ukraine


We arrived in London transferring emotions, ideas and feelings from different people all over Europe, after a research on what people think about London city. All the diverse letters we have collected, have London as a final destination, and prove the diverse communication between the world and the grand metropolis. Names, addresses, places and images are the documents of an alternative regard about the city of London from people that do not experience the everyday routine of the city. The audience discovers their city through the various views, seen through the narration of the performer. A connection between the audience and the multiple senders is established, which becomes the mediator of emotions and experiences shared by strangers with strangers.

Our performance is deeply inspired by Tino Sehgal’s work, where art becomes an experience, through “constructed situations”. We wish to simulate the experience of a public performance to the private experience of receiving a personal message from a beloved one. Therefore, art becomes a process of communication where information is exchanged and oral language receives an equal place with the new documentation forms of contemporary area.

Ioanna Neofytou & Spiros Klitoras Charalampopoulos
Athens, 2016

Commissioned and Presented:

“I am NOT Tino Sehgal” – A concept by Francesco Bonami
Nahmad Projects Gallery, 13 July 2016, London, UK

Letters from :

Stephanie Andreou
Yiannis Aggelakis
Hara Agkelidi
Thalis Banos
Agapi Charmani
Spyros Charalampopoulos
Maria Chrisanthou
Ansis Dobicins
Amelie Durand
Thomas Diafas
Nina Gora
Magda Gouverou
Tomasz Gromadka
Ellas Katsika
Katerina Katsika
Stella Kleanthous
Ntina Kleanthous – Elenitsa Kleanthous – Maria Kleanthous – Stella Kleanthous
Odysseas Konstantinou
Andreas Mitsis
Theoni Nicolaou
Benedicte Noyer
Ombline Noyer
Ria Philippou
Elena Pili
Tetiana Piskun
Eulàlia Sellarès
Nathalie Hellena Rigal
Maria Sofou
Anastasia Zoi Souliotou
Dimitris Stamatis
Marie Willaime

Translations :

Maria Sofou, Julia Durand



Eleana Santorinaiou


Special Thanks to :

Vicky Katsounaki, Julien Roussel, Rania Kapetanaki, Spyridoula Tzoumaki, Dimitris Stamatis, Froso Kleanthous, Yiannos Kleanthous